- Opozivi i istrage
- Parent Category: Vijesti
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Opoziv: Saet Arona, Seat Ibiza, sigurnosni problem
A evo i VW brenda Seat, sa modelima Ibiza i Arona, problem su dvostruke kopče za sigurnosne pojaseve koje mogu biti neispravne. To će smanjiti zadržavajući efekat sigurnosnih pojaseva, ...
... povećavajući rizik od povreda u slučaju nezgode. Automobili pogođeni ovim opozivom su proizvedeni u 2020. godini.
Alert number: A12/00901/20
Product: Passenger car
Name: Arona, Ibiza
Type of alert: Serious
Category: Motor vehicles
Brand: Seat
Type / number of model: Type-approval number: e9*2007/46*3134*, Type: KJ
Counterfeit: NO
Risk type: Injuries
The double buckle for the safety belts can be defective. This will impair the safety belts' restraining effect, increasing the risk of injury in the event of an accident. /
Measures taken by economic operators: Recall of the product from end users (By: Manufacturer)
Description: Passenger car