- Opozivi i istrage
- Parent Category: Vijesti
- Objava
OPOZIV: BMW serija 1 / X1, otpadaju stražnja svjetla
Matice stražnjih nosača svjetla mogu biti kontaminirane uljem. Ulje može izazvati pukotine na nosačima svjetla, a stražnja svjetla mogu se odvojiti od vozila što dovodi do nesreće. Probleme imaju modeli serije 1: X1, pravljeni od 5. oktobra 2018. do 21. januara 2019. godine.
Alert number: A12/0367/19
Product: Passenger car
Name: 1, X1
Batch number / Barcode: The affected vehicles were manufactured between 5 October 2018 and 21 January 2019.
Type of alert: Serious
Category: Motor vehicles
Brand: BMW
Type / number of model: Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0371*19 bis *24, e1*2007/46*1676; Types: UKL-L, F1X
Risk type: Injuries
The nuts of the rear light brackets may be contaminated with oil. Oil can cause cracks in the light brackets and the rear lights may separate from the vehicle leading to an accident.
Measures taken by economic operators: Recall of the product from end users (By: Manufacturer)
Description: Passenger car under BMW recall code: 0063570100.
Country of origin: Germany
Alert submitted by: Germany
Products were found and measures were taken also in: Poland