- Opozivi i istrage
- Parent Category: Vijesti
- Objava
OPOZIV: Mercedes A-klasa, B-klasa, CLA i GLB, otpada prikolica
Neispravan je vijak u mehanizmu za zaključavanje zglobne spojnice prikolice. Može se slomiti dok se prikolica vuče i zbog toga se prikolica može odvojiti, čime se povećava rizik od nezgode za praćenje prometa.
Probleme ima A-klasa, B-klasa, CLA i GLB, automobili pravljeni od 14. februara do 09. decembra 2018. godine.
Alert number: A12/0267/19
Product: Passenger car
Name: A-class, B-class, CLA and GLB
Batch number / Barcode: The vehicles affected were produced between 14.2.2018 and 9.12.2018.
Type of alert: Serious
Category: Motor vehicles
Brand: Mercedes-Benz
Type / number of model: Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*1829*00 to 04, e1*2007/46*1909*00 types: F2A, F2B
Risk type: Injuries
A bolt in the locking mechanism of the articulated trailer coupling is defective. It could break while a trailer is being towed and consequently the trailer could detach, thus increasing the risk of an accident for following traffic.
Measures taken by economic operators: Recall of the product from end users (By: Manufacturer)
Description: Passenger car under Mercedes-Benz recall code 3191017.
Country of origin: Germany
Alert submitted by: Germany