Toyota C-HR (2018), može otpasti točak i...

Zbog nedotegnutosti vijaka na glavčinama točkova zadnje osovine na modelu Toyota C-HR može doći do popuštanja istih, a tokom rotacije može se desiti da otpadnu glavčine, a ako ne to onda elementi koji nisu na svojem mjestu mogu ....

....pokidati kočione veze. Može se pretpostaviti šta je posljedica svega toga. 

Toyota C-HR sa mogućom ovom greškom su one pravljene od 18. juna do 28. avgusta ove godine.

The screws retaining the wheel bearings on the hub port of the rear axle may not have been sufficiently tightened and can become loose. As a consequence, the screws can detach during use of the vehicle. If this occurs during rotation of the wheels, it can damage elements of the braking system on the rear axle, or may cause the wheels to detach.

The vehicles concerned were manufactured between 18. 6. 2018 – 28. 8. 2018.

Izvor: Alert 44/2018 A12/1631/18


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