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- Parent Category: Vijesti
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Problemi i za Citroën DS3 (2017)
Više spojnih mjesta na ovjesu prednjih točkova moguće nisu kvalitetno spojeni. Vremenom veza oslabi, a to može dovesti do djelimičnog gubitka kontrole nad vozilom. Ako je DS3 pravljen od 21. jula 2017. do 20. septembra iste godine, onda je on zahvaćen ovom "situacijom"!
A number of points on the front suspension may not be correctly tightened. There is a risk of loosening over time, which could lead to a degradation in the control of the vehicle. An accident could result. The recall affects vehicles manufactured between 21. 7. 2017 – 20. 9. 2017.
Izvor: Alert 48/2017 A12/1671/17