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Najnesigurniji automobili u 2015. (Carophile)
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1. MAZDA 5
Kao najgora je ocijenjena Mazda 5, koja ima ocjenu LOŠ kod udara frontalnim dijelom gdje se sa četvrtinom površine odbojnika zahvata predmet udara, ali i sa ocjenom SLAB kod bočnog sudara. Dole je na engleskom preneseno više detalja.
The Mazda 5 scored a “poor” in the small overlap front test, and a “marginal” in the side impact test. Driver space was seriously compromised by intruding structure. Lower interior intrusion measured 35 cm at the lower hinge pillar. Upper interior intrusion measured 34 cm at the hinge pillar and 25 cm at the instrument panel. The steering column was pushed back 15 cm towards the driver. Dummy measurements indicated that injury to the left thigh and lower left leg would be likely in a crash of this severity, and injuries to the left knee and right lower leg would be possible. During the crash, the driver’s door unlatched, which could lead to the driver being ejected from the vehicle. The dummy’s head barely contacted the airbag before sliding off the left side, as the steering column moved 14 cm to the right. The seat belt allowed excessive forward excursion of the dummy’s head and torso, leading to the dummy striking its head on the instrument panel.
2. FIAT 500
Slijedi Fiat 500, čije vlasnike treba da brine ocjena LOŠ na udar čeonim dijelom sa zahvatanjem jedne četvrtine površine branika. Vozač trpi ozbiljne povrede kod ovog udara, a uslijed deformisanja putničkog prostora ka unutrašnjosti.
The Fiat 500 earned a “poor” rating in the small overlap front test, leading to a low overall safety rating. Driver’s space was seriously compromised by intruding structure. Upper interior intrusion measured 19 cm at the upper hinge panel and instrument panel. Lower interior intrusion measured as much as 21 cm and the hinge pillar and 20 cm at the footrest. The steering column was pushed back 7 cm toward the driver. The driver door hinges were torn apart and the door opened at the front, which shouldn’t happen because the driver could be partly or completely ejected from the vehicle. The dummy’s head barely contacted the frontal airbag before sliding off the left side as the steering column moved 11 cm to the right, leaving the head vulnerable to contact with forward side structure. Measurements from the dummy indicated that injury to the lower leg was likely in a crash of this severity.
3. AUDI A4
Audi A4 je na vrhu liste po lošem, a ima, kao i prethodnik, ocjenu LOŠ kod uadara čeonim dijelom u prepreku sa zahvatanjem 1/4 površine branika predmetom udara. Vozač bude ozbiljno oslijeđen uslijed deformacije putničkog prostora ka unutrašnjosti.
The Audi A4 earned a “poor” rating in the small overlap front test, earning it a low safety rating. Driver space was seriously compromised by intruding structure. Footwell intrusion measured as much as 28 cm, and the instrument panel intruded 28 cm. The steering column was pushed back 13 cm towards the driver. A left hip injury is likely in a crash of this severity, as indicated by dummy measurements. In the second test, the dummy’s head contacted the frontal airbag but slid off the left side as the steering column moved 18 cm to the right, leaving the head vulnerable to contact with forward structure and resulting in little airbag cushioning for the chest. The driver door opened during the crash, which shouldn’t happen because the driver could be partly or completely ejected from the vehicle.
Ni Hyundaiju ne cvjetaju ruže, bar modelu koji se kod njih zove Accent, a kod drugih ... prepoznajte :) Kao i prethodna dva su problemi sa istom ocjenom, a evo i jednog testa http://www.caradvice.com.au/131743/hyundai-accent-review/ koji mu ne ide u prilog ni po drugim osnovama.
The Hyundai Accent was given a low safety score due to earning a “poor” in the small overlap front test, and an “acceptable” in the side impact test. In the small overlap front test, the driver’s space was seriously compromised by intruding structure. Lower interior intrusion measured as much as 28 cm at the lower hinge pillar. Upper interior intrusion measured 19-22 cm at the hinge pillar and instrument panel. The steering column was pushed back 9 cm toward the driver. Measurements from the dummy indicated that injuries to the left hip, knee, and lower leg would be possible in a crash of this severity. The dummy’s head barely contacted the airbag before sliding off the left side, as the steering column shifted 16 cm to the right. In a side impact, measurements showed that rib fractures and/or internal organ injuries were possible in a crash of this severity.
Još jedna Mazda u prvih 5, što je katastrofalan rezultat. Pored ocjene LOŠ kao i prethodna tri automobila, ima ocjenu SLAB na čvrstinu krova, u slučaju ne dao Bog, prevrtanja.
The Mazda CX-9’s low safety score is due to a “poor” score in the small overlap front, and “marginal” in roof strength and head restraints. In the small overlap front test, the driver’s space was seriously compromised by the intruding structure. Lower intrusion measured 43 cm at the lower hinge pillar, the parking brake pedal was pushed back 25 cm, upper intrusion measured 44 cm, and the steering column was pushed towards the driver 12 cm. The dummy’s head struck the window frame, indicating a high risk of head injury in a crash of this severity. The dummy’s head barely contacted the frontal airbag before sliding off the left side as the steering column moved 33 cm to the right, resulting in little airbag cushioning for the chest. Additionally, the side curtain airbag did not deploy, allowing the head to hit the intruding driver door window frame and window sill.
I opet Hyundai, dakle Mazda i Hyundai imaju 2/3 mjesta među prvih šest. Opet vozač pretrpi ozbiljne povrede ako se desio udar čeonom površinom sa zahvatanjem 1/4 projekcije čeone površine branika predmetom udara.
Amerikanci ga smatraju najvažnijim testom, i najčešćim kod dešavanja nesreća i kolizija u saobraćaju (slika na dnu)
Receiving a “poor” rating in the small overlap front test, the Hyundai Tuscon was given a low overall safety rating. The driver’s space was seriously compromised by intruding structure. The parking brake was pushed in 41 cm toward the dummy, and the steering column was pushed back 11 cm. Upper interior intrusion measured 22 cm at the instrument panel and hinge pillar. Dummy measurements indicated that injury to the left knee and lower left leg would be likely in a crash of this severity. The dummy’s head barely contacted the frontal airbag before sliding off the left side, as the steering column moved 14 cm to the right. Additionally, the seat belt allowed excessive forward excursion of the dummy’s head and torso, contributing to the head hitting the instrument panel. The side curtain airbag did not deploy, leaving the dummy’s head vulnerable to contacts with side structure and outside objects.