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Mercedes i RN razvijaju GLT
Nije potvrđeno, no navodno Mercedes radi na pick-up vozilu, ili bolje reći na kamionetu srednjih dimenzija sa dva reda sjedišta. ...
... Navodno će se zvati GLT (T od Turck), a na ovom projektu radi sa Renault-Nissanom.
Rumors says that Mercedes is under developing middle-sized truck what could get a badge: GLT. Rumors says also that MB is working on this together with Renault-Nissan.
One of the people in charge of the project, Volkwer Mornhinweg (former AMG boss), explains that they “are not going to develop a fat cowboy truck for North America”. He adds that “After all, the big three - Ford, GM/GMC and Ram - already own about 90% of that market which typically absorbs in excess of two million units per year. In this cut-throat environment, newcomers like us would invariably fight an arduous uphill battle. That’s why our focus is on a smaller and lighter pick-up truck which is already perceived as premium product in South America, Africa and the Middle East.”