Volkswagen, problemi na TDI motorima iz 2012., ''13 i ''14. godine.

( Nedavno smo posjetili TDI CLUBmjesto gdje možete saznati sve i svašta o svom ...

... ljubimcu iz VW familije...

Poslije prošlogodišnjih velikih problema sa DSG mjenjačima i njihovim pomalo metalnim zvukom iz kučišta prilikom vožnje u drugom ili trećem stepenu prenosa, mislili smo kako je svemu došao kraj i pored velikih servisnih intervala u garantnom periodu. Dešavalo se da i pored garantnog perioda dese veliki kvarovi na ovom jako lijepom komadu tehnike koji nas je oduševio brzinom promjene stepena prenosa.

Sljedeća stvar na koju treba posebno obratiti pažnju su 2,0 TDI motori iz 2012., 2013. i 2014. modelske godine gdje među modelima prednjači model Passat. U preko 100 forumskih rasprava pronašli smo veoma nezadovoljne vlasnike čiji su automobili u prosjeku imali najviše 100.000 pređenih kilometara, a bilo je i onih koji su poslije samo 1060 km morali na reparaciju turbine i nekada skupu promjenu brizgaljki goriva u motoru.

Bilo je i slučajeva u kojim su TDI motori crkavali i dva puta poslije servisnih intervala. Jako žalosno!!

Da ne bude da mi nešto izmišljamo, posjetite navedeni forum ili pročitajte par tekstova u nastavku koje prenosimo na engleskom jeziku:

First turbo failure

Miles on car at failure: 15,150 miles. January 22, 2014 
Build date: ? Purchased April 2013
Corrective actions from dealership: New turbo. They said different model number than the original unit, but couldn't give me the part number. Because I drove it to dealership, dumping oil through the exhaust, they also replaced the intercooler, EGR and DPF.
Outside air temps at failure: about -10
Failure warning signs, if any: slight whine from turbo for about a week before failure. Temps were VERY cold. (-7 to -21). The car failed in the evening, but that morning when leaving for work, the turbo made a split second choo-choo train whistle, but continued to function, although it felt like the turbo was free-wheeling and not really in sync with the actual boost. When it failed, there was a muffled bang, followed by a locomotive type black oily smoke rolling out of the exhaust. I was only 2 miles from the dealership, so I drove it there immediately. When standing on the throttle, it sounded like a nut rattling around in a can. 
Warning lights on dash/MFI: Flashing glow plug.
Problems since replacement: Another blown turbo today.
Repair time: 13 Days.
Any dealer divulged info on other incidents involving other failures: "Yeah, we've seen a couple of those".
Did the dealership perform all maintenance and on schedule: yes
If not dealership, what oil was used/miles on oil:
Are you the original owner of the car: yes
Did you baby your car or not: Baby it, until fully warmed up.
Do you interrupt DPF regenerations: yes
How long is your daily commute: 90 miles usually round trip
Transmission (DSG/auto or manual): manual
Failed turbo part number (if known): 0005

Second turbo failure

Miles on car at failure: 17,510 miles. Failed this morning. 
Build date: ? Purchased April 2013
Corrective actions from dealership: New turbo. They told me that they didn't replace an oil line previously, and that was the reason for the failure this time.
Outside air temps at failure: about 24F.
Failure warning signs, if any: No warning signs at all! Just a sudden "phew" sound, followed by no boost. Wasn't even up to speed yet from leaving my driveway. No oil pouring out of exhaust this time, so I again drove to dealership.
Warning lights on dash/MFI: Flashing glow plug.
Problems since replacement: 
Repair time: 
Any dealer divulged info on other incidents involving other failures: This is funny. There was the exact car pulling into the service bay ahead of me. I listened as the driver told the service writer at the counter about his was the same as mine. Here's the funny part. He's is a sales guy at the dealership! He tossed the counter guy the keys and said, "I'm probably not your first priority right now, am I?"
Did the dealership perform all maintenance and on schedule: yes


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